Sunday, August 29, 2010

Flip for Cloth Diapers

I was planning on using cloth diapers right from the get go, I even purchased a cloth diapering system before Oliver was born. At first they seemed too big so I used disposables but then 1 month went by and then a few more weeks and I was still unhappy with the diapers I bought. Luckily I had only washed a few of the diapers and not all 36 that I had purchased so I returned them and went on the hunt for a new cloth diaper....

I tried a few different kinds, the first one was a two part "always fit" that had the cloth diaper and then a waterproof cover with snap in liners for an extra booster if needed. These diaper also are suppose to fit from newborn to toddler so you are only buying one set not different sizes. These definitely didn't work for Oliver's shape (he has a very cute but substantial milk belly and very juicy thighs).

Next I tried the Applecheeks, a waterproof cover with a bamboo insert. It comes in 2 sizes so not the most economical choice but I wasn't happy with the fit of the cover and the fact that he peed through this one in about 2 secends.

Then we moved onto the Kushies ultra lite all in one diaper. These worked ok, they were the best fit so far but still kinda of bulky and again you have to purchase infant size and toddler size. Oliver is a heavy wetter and these handled it but we did experience some poo leakage as it didn't fit very tightly around the leg.

Then during one of our Mommy and Baby yoga classes a fellow mama showed me the Flip Diaper she was using. It was a waterproof cover with a insert and it was a onesize with snaps so you can customize the fit from newborn to toddler. She had tried several types as well and was totally satisfied with this one... so we decided to try it.

And we flipped for the Flip!
 It has elastic-y sides to ensure a snug but comfortable fit and with all snaps you really can adjust the fit. The are a few insert options- the stay dry (which I am using), organic insert or disposable (which is a nice option if you are travelling). The diaper with stay dry liner is about $20 CAD and the individual liners are about $5.00. I purchased 4 covers with inserts and additional 20 inserts for a total of $200 dollars so pretty reasonable, although I think I will add a few extra covers to our stash.


So for anyone thinking of using cloth diapers, I would recommend trying a few types before you invest in one system as it really depends on your baby's shape and well we certainly don't all wear the same kind of underwear!

A Birth Story- Oliver Warner

My original due date was May 17th but about halfway through my third trimester my midwife changed the date to the 12th solely based on the hugeness of my belly I'm sure (although it might have also been because of the baby's measurements in both ultrasounds). I still kept the 17th in mind and was prepared to go 2 weeks over as many people told me that can be the case with your first. Basically the baby would be born sometime in May-
a taurus or a gemini.....

So I was still working full days on May 10th when I finally felt some contractions in the afternoon. I was so excited as up to this point I hadn't had anything- no braxton hicks, no cramps no signs that this baby was thinking of making moves anytime soon! After work my sister and I went to my friend Jaime's to check out her new baby doll lamb, I was having contractions the entire time but chalked it up to a little pre-labour. We got home around 7:00pm-ish my sister left and the contractions stayed. Still thinking this was a wee bit of false labour that would go away I started cleaning and doing laundry like a crazy person (nest much?). Guy got home around 8:30 and by 9:00pm we were timing the contractions, they were coming steady every 2 minutes and by 11 we called our midwife Rebekah. She came to the house to see how far dilated I was and I was 6 cm! So she unpacked the gear and we set up for the homebirth

Now in my delusionalness it had never crossed my mind that this was in fact real labour and that my son was on his way, so we were rushing to set up the birthing tub and bed in the kitchen all the while my contractions continue to get stronger. By 3:00 am my water still hadn't broken so Rebekah broke it to help things along. It worked - soon after I was pushing and pushing some more for what felt like forever.......
and then at 6:10 am Oliver Warner was born!

It was such incredible feeling having my baby placed in my arms for the first time! He was so alert and wide awake and although I was completely exhausted (I had been up for a full 24 hours at this point) Guy and I were totally in love with our gorgeous baby boy. Oliver and I shared an amazing herbal bath together shortly after and then I got to crawl into my own bed. Now not only was  labouring and birthing at home awesome but the fact that I got to bathe in my own tub and sleep in my own bed (with freshly washed sheets... thanks to my obsessive labour cleaning) was just unreal!

My delivery was everything I hoped it would be (although next time I wouldn't mind if I don't have to push for soooooo long!) and I am so thankful for my wonderful midwives. They were loving, motherly and encouraging when I needed it, letting me go with what my body was telling me to do. Having a natural homebirth (no drugs not even tylenol!) was so empowering and gave me a new confidence as I entered into mamahood.
Midwives are the best!

Sunday, August 22, 2010



Welcome to it's a g-hill life, a blog about my trials and triumphs of being a new mom making my way through mamahood.  I am also a first time blogger so here's some details about me.....
The Babe

 I am the mama to Oliver Warner who is 3 1/2 months old, I have been happily un-married to Guy for eleven years and we are also the proud parents to a couple of sweet pups Chaza and Maynard (also known as Chazy and May-May). We've been living the g-hill life for almost 2 years now and loving every minute!
The Papa & The Mama


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