Tuesday, October 26, 2010


I went to my first chiropractor appointment EVER last friday. This spine has gone un-cracked for 27 years, but since Oliver was born I feel like the hunch back of Notre Dame. My back has been really sore and tight from nursing and carrying the damn car seat around
(with a not so light baby in it) not to mention that I pushed a 8+ pounder outta of me a couple of months ago, I was feeling real jammed up- and real overdue for an adjustment.

Now part of the reason I have never been before was because the sound of my bones cracking makes me want to hurl. It completely grosses me out, but I went on friday thinking I could handle it and really it's for only a second not even like a milli-sec. Turns out I can't handle the crack, when she adjusted my neck I let out the most horrendous noise so for my next appointment I opted for a less crack-y approach and it was much more enjoyable. Now some people
(Guy included) need the crack, this lady however does not. I am on a 3 times a week for 4 weeks schedule, then once a week for 8 weeks then 1-2 a month.
I am really excited for this new addition to our lifestyle, Guy has been getting adjustments for the last month and it's making such a difference. It totally makes sense to take care of your spine and central nervous system which affects your whole body!

Here's some food for thought....
“For every inch of Forward Head Posture, it can increase the weight of the head on the spine by an additional 10 pounds.” -Kapandji, Physiology of Joints, Vol. 3

Nana here's a little something for you & Grandad 
(hope you had a good flight and are enjoying the start of your holiday)
We miss you!


Thursday, October 14, 2010


I was feeling a little ugly the other day... hating all my clothes, was covered in snot and drool and was just icky all over. So I had me a little online shopping session, thinking since I am home to receive the boxes I could down-play the purchases. Because when Guy sees the boxes he then thinks he should get something of the same or greater value... which means my little shopping spree doubles in cost and can get quite costly.
Well things definitely did NOT go as planned!

 I had a meeting at work yesterday morning so after I picked Oliver up from the NANA we went to get some groceries (p.s I love grocery shopping during the day, it's just me, some seniors and no line ups such BLISSSS!!!) when we got home one of the boxes was sitting in the livingroom.... eeks I called Guy and sure enough on his way back from delivering to a job site he stopped at home at the same time Canada Post was trying to deliver my parcel. That was all fine and dandy until 5 o'clock when Purolator pulls in to deliver the other parcel.


 Guy looks at me and says "BUSTED" so busted! HA
 I am thrilled with my purchases and can't wait to wear my new clothes- even though they too will be covered in snot and drool. And not all the stuff was for me, Oliver got some sweet new outfits and some stuff that I am stashing away for Christmas.

Hello Gorgeous!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Favourites- Baby Stuff

Here are some baby things that I am loving

Planet Wise wet/dry bags- 
are superb for cloth diapering on the go!

Seventh Generation wipes- are chlorine free

Burt's Bees shampoo and diaper cream-
au natural and au awesome.

Ergo Carrier - my organic sea green one just came in the mail

Camilia/Coryzalia homeopathic medicine for babies- these are life changing
.... for serious 


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