Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Days of Pregnancy- Week 31!

Week 31 has nearly come and gone and while yesterday was probably one of my most uncomfortable days yet (thanks to some Braxton Hicks, majah kicking and back pain too boot) my midwife appointment went great today. She confirmed that baby is head down and I got to hear the lovely and strong heartbeat of our wee one. Appointments every two weeks now makes the time seem to go even quicker. April will be here before we know it so last weekend I painted the kitchen (mostly still a few touch up to do) and finally an item I can check off my to do list!

check out the belly progression in my Days of Pregnancy Series

Monday, February 13, 2012

Days of Pregnancy- 30 Weeks!

I don't know why but 30 weeks seems like such a big milestone in my pregnancy world.
Even though there are still 10 weeks to go (maybe longer if this bebe decides to stay put past his/hers "due date")
It still feels like the home stretch. Maybe it's because this pregnancy is going so quickly that I can't believe we are at 30 weeks already. Or that now I have midwife appointments every 2 weeks instead of every month. My pregnancy with Oliver seemed to go fast too, minus the last month... it almost felt as long as the previous 8 combined but that could have been because of my ridiculously swollen feet. Not a good time, hope I don't go there this time around but I'm pretty sure it's going to happen.

On the flip side in approx. 10 weeks I am going to be the Mama to 2 babies...
wowza which is kind of scary! 

Days of Pregnancy Series

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Days of Pregnancy- 29 Weeks!

Weeks 27, 28 didn't come together as planned but here's looking at 29 weeks and 4 days.
The bebe's heart rate was was between 130-140 yesterday at my appointment which is lower than Oliver's ever was... which made me think it was a boy (typically lower heart rates) but then made me think it is a girl since Oliver was always 150+. I'm so confused!

Still no agreed upon names to speak of, although we did play the name game after Guy had had a few cocktails on the first night of our trip. I don't think we will do that again, trying to pick names while one of us is a wee bit tipsy isn't the best idea. Needless to say we didn't gain any ground after that round!

In other news we get our new Tempurpedic mattress today and I am beyond excited! We have been talking about getting a new bed for quite some time and this entry into the 3rd trimester was the extra "push" I needed to make it happen. Oh yeah and they were on sale for $700 off!

Days of Pregnancy Series here

Friday, February 3, 2012

Thrifting THRILLS

I scored these sweet little treasures this week....
Boy or Girl, I got a little something for either.

There are actually 2 quilts here.... obviously for Twins but I scooped up both,
perfect gender neutral bedding with pizzazz! Cost $6.00 squeeeeaaaaal.

So today is a pretty exciting day for our family,
my younger sister is moving into her first house and my older sister is "patiently" awaiting the arrival of her first child... my nephew who is due TODAY so come on little baby. Start making moves, although I haven't talked to her today so maybe she's in labour as I write this?

Happy Friday!


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