Friday, August 31, 2012

song of the week

The Joy Formidable- "Whirring"
from the album The Big Roar
a little Welsh perfection, although I must say Ritzy Bryan's voice kind of reminds me a wee bit of Emily Haines from Metric (which is a great Canadian band!).

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

living on the edge

This little girl is strong and determined.
Incredibly drooly and trying to (did) roll over!
And as it turns out, yell-crying must be a family trait. She does it too.
Or maybe it's a Taurus thing because my sister definitely had some of that going on when we were kids, it was her own version ....we called it the wind up .

Georgie is 4 months (+ 2 weeks) old as of yesterday,
she's grabbing for her toys,  people's fingers and my hair.
Just like her brother, she too has a kung-fu grip
She's definitely a mama's girl but loves herself some daddy time too.
She's wild about Oliver, beaming her toothless grin at him always.
In turn he bends downs and talks to her to in this high pitched, sweet voice (totally imitating me!)
"Oh hiiiiiii Georgie Girl, hiiiiii"
"Whatcha doin' Georgie"
It makes me laugh everyday.

Georgie Girl is little more on the petite side than her brother at this age.
Oliver was weighing in around 17 lbs at the 4 month mark and little Miss was 14 lbs 7 oz at her
3 1/2 month appointment (I'm guessing she's at about 15 lbs now).
Although they were neck in neck during the first month!
Georgie still has her blue peepers, her perfect little lips and adorable chin!
She can really mean-mug it when she wants to, pout that bottom lip like nobody's business
and also has the absolute greatest smile!
We couldn't possibly be more in love with our little girl.

Happy 4 Months Sweetness.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Me, you and an Alpac-at

 We managed to have ourselves a sweet little family date on Thursday.
 Guy got up with our ultra early riser and let me catch a bit more zzzzz
to which I returned the favour and cooked up some breakfast while he slept for bit.
We ate, got showered up and headed out to a little zoo I had heard about.
We gps'd the address and clicked on the scenic route, it was a beauty day for a drive and the kids were fabulous. Oliver pointed out every animal, car, tractor, digger and tree to be seen.
Georgie dozed off and slept the entire way (about 1 1/2hr!).
This zoo was perfect for small children,
easy to walk and Oliver had a blast feeding and checking out the exhibits.

 Oliver just couldn't get enough of the animals, he LOVED the camel, the bear, the kangaroos
 and of course the Alpac-ats. Such a great day!

Friday, August 24, 2012

song of the week

Maniac by Caravan Palace
album Panic

a little genre change up to keep things exciting! 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

these are the days of our lives

It's a bit of photo dump today, the last two weeks have been a bit of blur.
Really, if I hadn't snapped these pics these past few days wouldn't even exist in my brain.
Kind of like our lives have been put on fast forward.
And it doesn't look like there are any signs of slowing down in the near future.
Although I'm holding out hope we are going to be able to enjoy a day together as a family tomorrow,
to do something special with our wee ones.

Because summer is almost over...... Yikes!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Happy Anniversary

 Thirteen years together
and celebrating our first Wedding Anniversary today!

Last year I couldn't believe how exhausting planning a wedding was....
turns out I was growing baby girl at the same time.

What a year!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

song of the week

double feature because.. well I love both these songs and couldn't decide
A Million Years by Alexander
from the album Alexander

Truth by Alexander
Such catchy tunes. The whole album is amazing.
But there's no denying I just can't get enough of Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeros
(or Alexander's solo work)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

5am conspiracy continues...

These hooligans have rallied together again.
Not only waking at this un-godly hour but like full on AWAKE,
like there is no chance of you getting any more sleep.... awake.
Like "I have peanut butter toast, Mama" "I have milk, Mama", "I have vit-a-mins, Mama" 
"I watch motorcycles, Mama"...... awake.  

The best is when Oliver comes flying into the bedroom (at 5 am) and asks "Where's Georgie?" only to answer his own question (at the top of his lungs) "There she is, she's in the crib, she's sleeeeeping. SHHHHHHHHH!" Yes, there she is and she's not sleeping anymore.

Good times and lots of coffee.

Sorry for the poor photo quality but let's face it, photos shouldn't even be taken at this hour!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

song of the week

Where is my mind
(a Pixies cover) by City Wolf

This movie is pretty hilarious and actually has a great soundtrack too!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


Somedays things are just moving too fast, somedays too slow.
Sometimes Georgie Girl is napping at just the right time
for Oliver and I get to share a sweet moment together.

Just him and I,
and a blue "bee-uoon".

And then he probably said something saucy like
"I said No!" (which is his new favourite saying)
to burst my bubble to remind me that he's definitely a two year old!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Civic Celebrations

We ended our long weekend with a bang!
A family trip to African Lion Safari was a huge success.
Here's a couple of my favs from the day...


More importantly though, it was awesome to spend an entire day as a family.
Doing something out of the ordinary, everyday life stuff.
Away from the growing mound of laundry and the dirty floors. The grass that needs to be cut and pile of weeds in the garden. Sunday was an overcast, kind of very miserable day so we hauled ass and got our house in order during the kid's nap time. Which paid off today as we enjoyed a carefree day, of course there are still weeds in the garden and laundry to be done but we just enjoyed ourselves and each other today. And we so needed it!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

office lady

Georgie rocking the bumbo at the office today.

I must say my office is starting to look like a daycare! A swing, playpen, bumbo and a pack of diapers in the window sill. Not too mention I haul her stroller up the 2 flights of stairs each day so my mama can stroll her around while I get my work done. Georgie is quite the office baby, but honestly who wouldn't love working with this little girl around? Ok maybe not when she's screaming for her mama (this little one is experiencing some separation anxiety already!) yikes.


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