This may be a very premature post but I'm doing it anyway.
Yesterday I went out and purchased Georgie her first necklace!
An Amber teething necklace like this
after I have heard and read a bunch of hype, I couldn't resist.
I didn't really have any unrealistic expectations going into this
all I really had to lose was 20 bones. And so much to gain... sleeeeep!
Sweet, sweet slumber and maybe a happier/less fussy baby?
Yesterday afternoon I put the necklace on her and within an hour she was asleep.
(she doesn't normally sleep when we are in the office or if she does it's very brief)
She had a solid hour + nap and woke up in great spirits!
She seemed a little calmer and while she still wanted to chew and chop on things like a rapid dog,
she wasn't whiny and fussy as she had been.
Even once we got home from the office she napped for another hour (hardly ever does that!)
woke up in a great mood, played and enjoyed her exercauser a little then fed and went to sleep.
She slept for about 5 hours before waking up to feed again and then slept for another four.
The past month she has been so restless at night wanting to nurse all night
(more just use me a soother) that we both haven't been getting much any sleep!
Last night was so different.
So my less than 24 hour assessment of the amber is MAGIC!
Here's how it works:
Amber is not a stone or mineral but fossilized tree resin or "tree juice" if you want to get technical!
the thick liquid turns into a transparent solid that contains succinic acid
(sounds bad but is really, really good). Amber is a natural pain reliver and anti-inflammatory , it works by warmimg up against babies skin and releasing its healing medicine. It also helps strength their immune system to fight off other ailments .
Taking care of the necklace is simple, keep clean by washing with warm water. The necklace is meant to be worn not to be chewed on and will last for years.
So like I said this is my less than 24 hour review.
We'll see what happens this week but I am hoping for more sleep!