In less than 3 months, he will be THREE!
Oliver has both blown me away and put me place lately.
His independence has reached an entirely new level.
He has to go potty "By myself... you wait in the living room" he says
As he scampers down the hall, shuts the door and climbs up onto his throne "Myself"
I can hardly believe that only a few short months ago,
I was questioning on whether he would ever even be potty trained!
Our conversations often completely crack me up.
Oliver "where did you go mom?"
Me "I just put Georgie down for a sleep"
Oliver "Good idea Mom"
He tells me "Good job" and "that's ok, no problem" on a regular basis.
Of course he also screams, cries and pulls other two-almost-three-year old type shenanigans daily.
We went through a rough stage a few weeks ago where he was only talking in the third person and it was seriously freaking me out. Honestly try explaining to a two year how not to speak in the third person- it's messy. "Oliver not going to bed, Oliver stay up" "Oliver not getting dressed, Oliver stay back home" Thankfully we seem to be getting past it.
It feels like forever ago since he was a little babe, how quickly nearly three years can pass.
And in one day he can learn how to do laundry and put his own pants on... inside out and backwards:)
Parenting can be so hard (most days), each stage has it's challenges.
But each day has such big rewards too.
And this day I call a win!