Wednesday, June 26, 2013

song of the week

If you haven't added some Noah and The Whale to your music line up yet, 
do yourself a favour and get some. 

The kiddos and I are eating up this sweet tune...

2 Atoms in a Molecule
from the album Peaceful, the World Lays Me Down

happy hump day!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

this boy of mine

this 3 year old business is turning out to be all sorts of challenging.
Saucy pants attitudes, talking back, tears, crankiness, defiance.
All new levels of patience-testing I tell you.

And then he comes barreling in from outside,
proudly giving me two flowers he had hand picked just for his mama. 

Me: Oliver these are beautiful
Oliver: Yes they are beautiful, see you later mom.
There are some really great 3 year old moments to be had.

Monday, June 24, 2013

deal of the day

I'm a very thrifty shopper,
I love clothes and I LOVE me some deals.

Picked up these sweet gems last week, both for less than $25 bucks!
And now that summer has actually arrived,
I might get some use of them.


Monday, June 17, 2013

song of the week

can't. stop. listening. to. Vampire Weekend
their third album Modern Vampire of the City is so so so goooood!


Ya Hey

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Thursday, June 6, 2013

why Finnish babies sleep in boxes

Recently Finland was voted as the best place to become a mother.
Not only do they have one of the lowest infant mortality rates in the world,
but for 75 years their Government has provided every expectant mother with box
 containing starter items, like clothing, sheets, a mattress, toys, of course this box that can and is used as a bed and so much more! Regardless of economic background, every baby born in the country is given an equal start. Of course women have the option to accept the box or a grant if they wish to purchase their own items but 95% of women opt for the box! 
and I would too, it's kind of spectacular....

check out the full BBC article "Why Finnish babies sleep in boxes"
 so good, wishing this was an option for all mothers!


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