attention all pregnant, soon to be pregnant or maybe sometime in the future to be pregnant ladies.
this post is a must read for a healthy pregnancy and delivery!
that's right what got you into this will also benefit you throughout, well the rest of your life but definitely improve the next nine crucial months!
Benefits of sex for a healthy pregnancy, labour and delivery
- boosts immune system
- you are less likely to have many GBS outbreaks since semen
contains anti-biotical properties effectively killing the GBS!
- it helps you sleep and not just from the physical act tiring you out but the release of oxytocin mixed with any melatonin present brings on the sweet slumber!
-prepares your perineum by encouraging good circulation and elasticity of your perineal tissues
- healthy PC muscles allow for a more controlled pushing stage and less chances of tearing. Having sex throughout pregnancy will mean well oxygenated, more toned and conditioned PC muscles. Also be sure to do lots of squats (how to add squats to your life coming in another post!) or better yet squats while having sex... ensuring the muscle is toned, long and elastic not bulky and rigid
-the prostaglandins in a man's semen help to soften and ripen the cervix which will mean its prepped and ready for dilation when the time is right.
-keeps the intimacy alive! beside the science of releasing specific hormones and their effects on the body, a loving and healthy relationship is so important as you embark on the next chapter ... parenthood.
Labour and Birth
- being sexually active in pregnancy will allow you to reap the benefits during labour, your toned pelvic floor will be aligned with the pelvic basin, your perineum will be sinewy and relaxed. Your cervix will be prepped and soft, your immune system at its best and you'll be ready to embrace the hormones of labour.
-create an ambiance as you would in the bedroom, low light, gentle sounds, music.
-touching, kissing, nipple stimulation, skin to skin contact are all beneficial during labour
-movement is key, allow your body to open up just as you did to create the baby,
use it to help get the baby out! Going on all fours, squatting, forward bend,
move your hips to help align baby into the right birthing position
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