is TWO months old!
she's smiling, cooing, tracking people and objects with her blue peepers.
It will be interesting to see if she keeps these blue eyes as Oliver did.
Which would mean we have two blue eyed kids and neither Guy or I have blue eyes!
I haven't taken her for her 2 month check up yet but at our 6 week final visit with the midwives she was a solid 11 lbs 4 oz, so pretty sure she's close to 13 lbs now. I am much less concerned about weight this time around, she's very healthy and gaining weight just (slightly less) as rapidly as her brother. My kids are good eaters! And I'm not letting comments bother me as they did with Oliver. As a first time mom the "Wow he's huge", "OMG he's so BIG" , "How much did he weigh at birth?"
really got to me. Was there something wrong? Was I feeding him too much? Should he not be gaining this fast? these were constantly running through my mind. On the flip side I had friends with much smaller babies that were bombarded with "Oh he's/she's so small", "You should feed him/her more", "Is he/she sick?" So bottom line is people say all kinds of stupid stuff and you can't let it bother you. I don't pay any attention to the growth charts either. Who cares if your baby is in the 20th, 50th or the 90th percentile. If they are developing and gaining weight, life is good!
Georgie's in cloth diapers full time now. I used disposables for the first month and a bit, since I was feeding her every 2 hours (or less sometimes) the diaper changes were fast and furious as well the
FLIP diapers fit a bit better now that she's bigger. I am super happy that I purchased the extra sets at the Black Friday Sale back in November. Having the extra inserts and covers have come in handy!
She's wearing 3-6 month clothes now, depending on the brand some are just right and some are a little too big. I can hardly believe how much stuff I've had to pack up and put away already. And now that she's two months old we are going to start putting her in the crib in her very own room, instead of the bassinet beside our bed (although some nights she spends more time in our bed than beside it!).
I bought another double bed that is setup in her room as well so I have a bed to sleep in if need be. I did this with Oliver and it worked well, of course I had plans to move that double bed into Georgie's room to use again but Oliver decided he wanted to sleep in a double opposed to an actual toddler bed,
which I guess in the end means one less sleeping transition we'll need to make!
Look at those lips.... perfection!