Sunday, June 10, 2012

A Numbers Game

when 1 becomes 2
then a family of 3 turns into 4.
Georgie is 6 weeks old, Oliver is a month into his 2nd year.
and we are all settling into our new roles.

Oliver is every bit the big brother, always concerned about his sisters whereabouts.
As of late wants to give his kisses every hour on the hour
(and he wants proper kisses on the lips... gone are the days of the gentle shoulder smooch).
But he's also TWO. Something I tend to forget from time to time (like today) when I was getting so frustrated because he wasn't listening and seemingly pushing all my buttons.... then it dawned on me that oh yeah he's two not twelve and stop trying to reason with him about why I want him to do this or  that because it isn't working!
Georgie is doing a bang up job as the baby sister, mostly hanging out in her swing checking out what her big bro is doing. Watching as he whips by her a million times a minute. She loves to eat but doesn't love the organic cloth inserts I have been trying out, definitely prefers the stay-dry inserts. I guess someone is a little sensitive to wetness, so stay-dry inserts it is. I am still using the Flip system that I used with Oliver although I purchased new inserts and covers for her (which I scored for 1/2 price during an amazing Black Friday sale last November). She has given me 2 good consecutive nights that resulted in me feeling more tired for some reason, but I appreciate them nonetheless
(also keep them coming Georgie!)

Guy has become Oliver's go to, especially for night time. He mans the diaper and jammie change, reads bedtime stories or plays Oliver's (new favourite) sticker books. They go 4 wheeling, and walking in the bush. Oliver loves spending time with his daddy which makes it a-ok for this mama to tend to the wee one without issue. Of course he also helps out with Georgie but at this stage it's pretty much the one with milk in her boobs (me) that she wants.

Becoming a mama of 2 is hard in someways and easy in others. I feel so much more confident with Georgie, not as stressed out as I did with Oliver. Which looking back I didn't think I was stressed with him at the time but I definitely was compared to how I am now with Georgie. It's hard letting some of the responsibility go with Oliver. He doesn't need me the way he used to, which is great but kind of sad too. We still have our special moments each day, getting ready in the morning is waaay more relaxing now since we don't have to be anywhere right at 8 am. We can enjoy an hour or two (depending on what time he got up that day) together before heading out for the day. I love bath time, he is always usually in a great mood and we have a blast playing and splashing in the water just the 2 of us. I love our story time or doing puzzles, playing letters and racing cars.
Not to mention the snuggle or kiss I get (steal) every now and again.
Yeah it's safe to say I dig this mama-of-two gig A LOT!

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