Tuesday, July 10, 2012

A blocked duct = death

or what feels like death...
yesterday morning I woke to a fever, aching body that was drenched in sweat and rock hard boob.
I've been down this road before, I had a similar experience while breastfeeding Oliver.
So I wasn't shocked or too concerned this time. I was down and out for the better part of the day though and am lucky that Guy could come back home from work to drive Oliver to the sitters because I was way too weak and dizzy to do so (AND that Oliver goes to the sitters! hallelujah) and that Georgie was decent enough to sleep most of the day or quietly stare at the ceiling in her bassinet! There was lots of cooperation going on in g-hill yesterday so this mama could rest up.

 It's still a tad blocked but I am nursing her like crazy from that boob and using a warm compress and slathering coconut oil on it like nobodies business. I guess it is probably nobodies business but I'm sharing anyway. It's actually really crazy that a blocked duct (or several) can be that debilitating,
but it totally knocked me out!

On a completely unrelated note, could someone please explain to me why people insist on yanking the blanket off your sleeping baby to "get a better look"? I don't get it. If the blanket isn't covering their face (which I obviously don't do) and I don't mask my children on outings or anything, then what is the need to look at their legs and feet? Especially if they are sleeping peacefully (for the first time that day) why risk waking them for a glimpse at their feet? Bizarre, completely bizarre. And annoying.And thanks for waking my baby.

And while my babies were awake I snapped these....

Oh glorious toes and all!
 I'll take a sore boob every now and then to ensure they get the good stuff.
 Because they don't come much healthier then these two!

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