Friday, January 4, 2013

the 8 month rundown

It's amazing how time gets away from you when CEO-ing a family of two small littles, a husband, a dog and a job. I really had every intention on posting about Oliver and Georgie's milestones. About their growth from month to month. I mean honestly I knew how old Oliver was by the day, with Georgie I round to the nearest month and hope for the best. Sorry Georgie George, it's not that I cared more about your brothers progress than yours. It's that I had more time to sit around and wait for him to do something which made documenting it all that much easier to do. Not to mention (although I'm mentioning it) your brother didn't care to be held 23 hours days unlike yourself 
so having two free hands also worked in my favour! 

But I must say it's also about letting go of the reins a little and not worrying so much about doing it "right". I put down the books, I gave myself permission to do what really feels right this time around instead of what someone else says is right. I don't care if you are in the bottom percentile or off the charts (like your brother was) for weight. You love the boob juice and surprisingly most vegetables, you may not be the chubbawaba your brother was but you are certainly very HEALTHY! I don't compare you to other babies, you'll learn at your own pace. And judging by the speed at which you brother grew up, I'm not in any rush for you to start crawling, walking or talking! I'm enjoying you being a baby for as short as that time really is... although this teething business is quite painful for the both us!

So in honour of being 8 months old , here are 8 things about our Georgie George

1/. You have a real flare for the dramatic
2/. You have taught me about a new level of patience
3/. you have a world class smile
4/.  even though you really love to be held, it doesn't stop you from thrashing about
5/. you have the most perfect lips and tiny little bird mouth
6/. you're a real charmer.... and then you grab at the throat!
7/. you think your brother is the cat's meow.
8/. you are going to give me a run for my money, make me dig deep, learn and grow. You are going to challenge me and make me a better person and a better mom. 

We love you little lady.

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