Tuesday, August 23, 2011

A year of Bloggin'

I can't believe it's been a whole year since I started this wee little blog!
A lot has changed and yet a lot has stayed the same.
I think I've found my groove here, I enjoy letting the cat out of the bag here.
It's therapeutic, it's fun and it's great to have something to look back on.
I like reading past posts, remembering how I was feeling at that time,
seeing pictures of my sweet babe hitting milestones and or just being adorbable (or not so adorable).
It's been a great place for family to come and get their Oliver fix whenever they want!

Basically I started the blog to capture our first year together as a new family, a new mama, papa and babe. I didn't capture my pregnancy well (at all really) other than a few photos here and there, which I am sad about now. I also didn't capture Oliver's birth which I am really sad about. But more on this in another post. So this blog was a way to document all the trials and triumphs we experienced together.

Today, we are still experiencing many firsts. Although things seem to be on a steadier pace. Oliver is still changing and growing (quickly) just not at warp speed any more. It still amazes me that he's ours.
Our DNA created him. And at night when I go in for a final check before bed and he's snoring and sleeping half on his tummy and half on his back in what looks to be a terribly uncomfortable position.
My heart wells up and skips a few beats. I grew him, I birthed him and I get to Mother him.
And it's pretty incredible.

I am looking forward to what's in store for us in the future but really enjoying where we are now.
Thanks for stopping by and reading my little blog,
I hope you continue to do so:)

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